Payroll Deduction Implementation
Your bank is permitted to use payroll deduction to collect contributions for KBPAC from the corporations’s employees.
  • Assign a deduction code to KBPAC contributions as you would with any other deduction, i.e. Medical, Dental, 401k, etc. Contributions to KBPAC do not qualify aspre-tax deductions. Once the deduction code has been assigned, enter in the amount being contributed per pay-period.
  • For those employees that choose to participate in KBPAC through payroll deduction please send an initial list of contributors, as well as the following information: name, address, employer, contributors title, date of contribution and amount to KBPAC. (Subsequent deductions need only include name and amount.
  • Your bank’s payroll deduction contact should send deductions for KBPAC contributions from employees’ payroll in aggregate by ACH, wire transfer to KBPAC’saccount, or a check bundling the deductions, within 10 days of the pay period, to the address listed below...

(Send list of contributors to:)

600 W. Main St, Suite 400
Louisville, KY 40202
(Send ACH, wire or check bundling to:)

Central Bank & Trust
Kentucky Bankers Committee for State Government

Any employee who wishes to discontinue his/her payroll deduction contribution to KBPAC must provide a written statement to your payroll deduction staff; otherwise, the contribution should be deducted regularly from the employees’ paycheck.

Contributions to Kentucky Bankers PAC and Kentucky Bankers Committee for State Government (each referred to as KBPAC in this disclosure) will be used in connection with state and federal elections, respectively. Contributions to KBPAC are voluntary and may not be deducted as charitable contributions. KBPAC may not accept corporate contributions. Contributions will be reported to the Kentucky Registry of Election Finance and the Federal Election Commission, as required. You may decline to contribute without fear of reprisal. You may contribute more or less than the amounts suggested and you will not benefit or be disadvantaged because of the amount contributed or decision to participate at all.
